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2024-01-28 00:26:16
美[ˌɒŋkoʊdʒenəsɪs]  英[ɒŋkədʒenɪsɪs]
n.  [医]瘤形成


  1. Objective To discuss the oncogenesis,devolpement, metastasis of cervical carcinoma through detection of HPA in this tissue. 目的通过对宫颈癌组织中乙酰肝素酶(HPA)的检测,探讨HPA在宫颈癌发生、发展、转移潜力中的作用。
  2. Conclusions Nitric oxide synthase might play an im-portant role in the oncogenesis and development of choriocarcinoma. 结论 一氧化氮合酶可能在绒毛膜癌的发生、发展过程中起着重要的作用。
  3. Substantial evidence shows that inflammation promotes oncogenesis and, occasionally, participates in cancer rejection. 充实的证据表明炎症能够促进肿瘤发生,偶尔也会参与癌症排斥。
  4. Objective To investigate the role of telomerase activity in the oncogenesis and progression of human lung cancer. 目的探讨端粒酶活性表达与肺癌发生发展的关系。
  5. The results provided data for the study on HPV virological oncogenesis of the oral Cancers. 这一结果为开展口腔癌的HPV病因学研究提供了参考资料。
  6. Most somatic mutations are likely to be passengers that do not contribute to oncogenesis. 大多数的体细胞突变仅仅像是过客而不引起肿瘤发生。