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2024-01-28 00:28:16
美[ˌɒŋkoʊdʒənɪsətɪ]  英[ɒŋkəʊdʒɪnɪsətɪ]
n.  致瘤性


  1. The oncogenicity of FLB2C is obviously weakened through fusion with normal cells.This provides the basis for preparation of better lung cancer vaccines. 融合细胞FLB2C的致瘤性明显减弱,为制备更有效的肺癌疫苗奠定了基础。
  2. The development of tumor involves in many factors, such as activating of oncogen, invalidating of cancer suppressor genes and abnormal expressing of apoptosis genes. 肿瘤的发生和发展涉及原癌基因的激活、抑癌基因的失活、凋亡相关基因的异常表达等,是涉及多基因、多因素的过程。
  3. Researches are mature on mesenchymal stem cells as seed cells acting on damaged tissue in ocular repairs and regeneration.But its oncogenicity and the security are waiting for further solving. 间充质干细胞作为种子细胞参与眼部受损组织修复与再生的研究趋于成熟,但其致瘤性及安全性还有待进一步解决。
  4. Study of oncogenicity in several microencapsulated cellsxenograft 几种细胞微囊化后致瘤性的研究
  5. Keywords epilepsy amygala kinding midline thalamic nuclei oncogen c-fos immunohistochemistry; 癫疒间;点燃;丘脑中线核群;免疫组化;
  6. Keywords TIF3 gene;cadmium;proto oncogen;transformation;nude mouse inoculation;NIH3T3 cell;colony formation in soft agar; TIF3基因;镉;原癌基因;细胞转化;裸鼠;NIH3T3细胞;软琼脂集落形成;