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2024-01-28 00:36:17
美[wʌnfəʊld]  英[wʌnfəʊld]
adj.  单一的;单纯的


  1. This numeral means a onefold increase in production. 这个数字意味着产量提高了一倍。
  2. Therefore theres no onefold environment protection. 所以,没有单纯的环保工作。
  3. This module changes TDS3000B series oscillograph into onefold tool solution. 这个模块把TDS3000B系列示波器转化成单一工具解决方案。
  4. Profit pattern is onefold, content deficient, promotion is difficult. 盈利模式单一,内容匮乏,推广困难。
  5. Consequently the bed becomes a function gradually onefold, the furniture that lies for sleeping only. 因而床逐渐成为功能单一,专供睡卧的家具。
  6. Nowadays,most of the clustering methods are studied towards the onefold attribute type. 当前大多数的聚类方法是针对单一属性类型的。