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2024-01-28 00:59:17
美[ɒnloʊd]  英[ɒnləʊd]
vt.  装载
adj.  带着负荷的
  过去式:onloaded  过去分词:onloaded  现在分词:onloading  第三人称单数:onloads


  1. Onload Displays an alert box when the page has finished loading. 当页面完成加载后会显示一个警示框。
  2. The following example demonstrates the OnLoad method. 完全信任立即呼叫者。
  3. For example, the base page classs OnLoad method is always called, whether you create a Page_Load method or not. 例如,无论是否创建Page_Load方法,始终都会调用页基类的OnLoad方法。
  4. Use the OnLoad event method to set properties in controls and establish database connections. 使用OnLoad事件方法来设置控件中的属性并建立数据库连接。
  5. Raises the PreLoad event after postback data is loaded into the page server controls but before the OnLoad event. 在回发数据已加载到页服务器控件之后但在OnLoad事件之前,引发PreLoad事件。
  6. Little resistance during operation, capable of starting onload and conveying material at high speed. 运行阻力小,能有载启动,可高速输送物料。