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2024-01-28 01:02:16
美[oʊnli]  英[əʊnli]
adv.  只有;仅仅;刚刚
adj.  最好的;唯一的;出众的
conj.  但是;除非;然而;毕竟


  1. 不料,反而,结果却
  2. 只,只有,仅仅
  3. 才,刚刚
  4. 只能
  5. 仅在…情况下
  6. 只不过
  7. 仅…而已
  8. 愈加
  9. 竟然
  1. 最好的,独一无二的
  2. 唯一的
  3. 仅有的,区区
  4. 最适当的,最合适的
  5. 无可匹敌的
  6. 独生的
  1. 不过,但是,可是
  2. 要不是,除非,若非
  3. 除了...
  1. 独生子女


  1. [A]唯一的,仅有的 with no others in the same group or of the same type
  2. [A]最好的,独一无二的 the best
  1. 只有,才 nothing more than; with no one or nothing else added or included
  1. 〈非正〉 只是,但是 except that; but


  1. being the only one; single and isolated from others;

    "the lone doctor in the entire county" "a lonesome pine" "an only child" "the sole heir" "the sole example" "a solitary instance of cowardice" "a solitary speck in the sky"

  2. exclusive of anyone or anything else;

    "she alone believed him" "cannot live by bread alone" "Ill have this car and this car only"

  1. and nothing more;

    "I was merely asking" "it is simply a matter of time" "just a scratch" "he was only a child" "hopes that last but a moment"

  2. without any others being included or involved;

    "was entirely to blame" "a school devoted entirely to the needs of problem children" "he works for Mr. Smith exclusively" "did it solely for money" "the burden of proof rests on the prosecution alone" "a privilege granted only to him"

  3. with nevertheless the final result;

    "He arrived only to find his wife dead" "We won only to lose again in the next round"

  4. in the final outcome;

    "These news will only make you more upset"

  5. except that;

    "It was the same story; only this time she came out better"

  6. never except when;

    "call me only if your cold gets worse"

  7. as recently as;

    "I spoke to him only an hour ago"


  1. This colt is only two months old.这只小雄驹只有两个月大。
  2. He had only a few coppers with him.他身边只有几枚铜币。
  3. Youre only a child in his eyes.在他眼里你仅仅是个孩子。
  4. This is only an exercise in composition.这仅仅是一篇习作。
  5. His hair became gray when he was only forty.他刚刚四十岁时,头发就变得灰白了。
  6. The news only reached me a moment ago.我刚刚得到这个消息。
  1. She says Italy is the only place to go for a holiday.她说意大利是度假的最隹去处。
  2. Our only resort is to inform the police.我们唯一的办法就是向警方报案。
  3. He is the only survivor of the plane crash.他是那次飞机失事唯一的幸存者。
  4. Aubert was not only an artist of versatility, but he was also an outstanding sculptor.欧贝赫是位才艺出众的全方位艺术家,更是一位杰出的雕刻家。
  1. The book is likely to be useful, only its rather expensive.这本书可能有用,只是相当贵。
  2. Only bad weather can defeat us now.除非天公不作美,不然我们赢定了。
  3. The merchandise is well made,only we cant use it.这种商品做工精致,然而我们不能用。
  4. I cant possibly do that;Im only flesh and blood.我干不了那桩事,我毕竟是人嘛。


    only用作形容词表示“唯一的,仅有的”,可修饰单数名词,也可修饰复数名词。前面常加定冠词the或形容词性物主代词。 当only与另一个形容词或数词连用时, only要放在它们前面。 only除用于表示“独生子女”外,一般不用在不定冠词an之后。
    only用作副词时,意思是“只,仅仅,才”。only还常用在名词短语之前,尤其是用在以数量词或数字起始的名词短语之前,起强调作用。 only后可加动词不定式结构作结果状语,表示“不料,结果却”,多用于意外和不幸的场合。如果“only+动词不定式”的结构较长,可用逗号与前面的成分隔开。 “only+ v -ing”结构也可用作结果状语,通常表示一个自然的或意料之中的结果,意为“结果(只)是”,其前一般用逗号与前面的成分隔开。 only位于句首并修饰句子的状语时,后面的句子要倒装。 only用于将来时常常预示着不好的或不如意的事情发生。