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2024-01-28 01:12:17
美  英
n.  美国海军研究局


  1. Neither onr of us passed the test. 我们两个人都没通过测试。
  2. The ONR will test the system at sea this autumn. ONR将在今年秋季在海上测试这种吊车。
  3. I also want to go there onr day. 长城太壮观了,我也想哪天去那里。
  4. Jobber of Shanxi Taiyuan seafood from where replenish onrs stock? 山西太原海鲜批发商从哪里进货?
  5. Onr upper side tooth bites behind the lower teeth(crossbite). 这句是指还存在反颌还是锁合?
  6. Onr car braked suddenly, colliding into the following one. 一辆汽车突然刹车,与后面跟着的那辆汽车相撞。