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2024-01-28 01:23:17
美[ɒntɪk]  英[ɒntɪk]
adj.  本体的


  1. So government publicity is government ontic being, but not public entity or idiographic publicity. 因而公共性是政府的实体性存在,而非公共实体和具体的公共性。
  2. Dilthey "put too little stress on the generic difference between the ontic and the historical. 狄尔泰“ 太少注重存在者状态上的东西与历史学上的东西之间的发生上的差别”。
  3. As symbol of anxiety, Feiming novels reflect his ontic, moral and spiritual anxiety. 作为焦虑的象征,废名的小说反映了他在本体上、道德上、精神上的焦虑。
  4. According to the standpoint, the researches on legal truth can be divided into two approaches, ontic and epistemological way. 在研究立场上,对法律真理的研究可以分为本体论意义上的法律真理和认识论意义上的法律真理两种不同的研究进路。
  5. A formless void is a prevalent cognition when people think of the creation of universe.Furthermore, it offers a philosophical ontic conception. 其中的“混沌”是人类对宇宙万物之初的一种普遍认识,并且提供了一个哲学中宇宙观的本体概念;
  6. According to the western hermeneutics, when understanding becomes a mode of being, it turns our attention to mans ontic existence. 摘要依据西方解释学,当理解成为人的存在方式,人们对特定的外部世界的理解就发生了基本的改变,从而转向了对人存在的本体性思考。