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2024-01-28 01:44:17
美  英
abbr.  面向对象的(=Object Oriented)


  1. Has OO features, but is not fully object-oriented. 有OO功能,但却不是完全的面向对象。
  2. The next sailing is at 3:oo p.m. 下次出航时间是在下午三点。
  3. We rounded our lips to say "OO". 我们圆起双唇说“OO”。
  4. "Oo," and her arms went out to him. “哎呀。”温迪向他伸出两臂。
  5. Will you tell him a oo a he get ack. 他一回来你就会告诉他吗?)
  6. It combines EDB, IDB in Datalog with OO concept. 它是从演绎库的IDB的概念发展而来的,井称为IODB。