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2024-01-28 01:57:17
美[ˌoʊəgoʊnɪəm]  英[ˌəʊəgəʊnɪəm]
n.  [生]卵原细胞;藏卵器
  形容词:oogonial  名词复数:oogonia


  1. A large nonmotile female gamete or egg cell,formed in an oogonium and ready for fertilization. 卵球一种不活跃的大雌配子或卵细胞,形成于卵巢中并在那里准备受精
  2. A large nonmotile female gamete or egg cell, formed in an oogonium and ready for fertilization. 卵球一种不活跃的大雌配子或卵细胞,形成于卵巢中并在那里准备受精
  3. In the first phase, the oogonium has little cytoplasm and bigger nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio. 第1时相,卵原细胞细胞质较少,核质比较大。
  4. The proliferative phase of the oogonium was found in the gestational age between 41d and 84d. 卵原细胞增殖期为41-84天胎龄间,而增殖高峰在41-48天间出现。
  5. A group of cells at the tip of the oogonium in certain green algae (Chlorophyta), such as the stonewort Chara and the mermaids cup (Acetabularia). 2某些绿色藻类(绿藻门)中颈卵器顶部的一组细胞,例如轮藻属和伞藻属的冠细胞。
  6. When the gametes are readily distinguished as male or female, other therms may be used such as ANTHERIDIUM, ARCHIEGONUM, or OOGONIUM. 配子很快地分化为雌性或雄性以后,其他的细胞会形成如精子囊,颈卵器,卵囊等器官。