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2024-01-28 02:43:16
美[oʊpənkʌt]  英[əʊpənkʌt]
n.  露天开采的矿山
adj.  露天开采的


  1. (of mines and mining) worked from the exposed surface;

    "opencast mining" "an opencut iron mine"


  1. Opencut mining will destroy the ecological environment to a certain extent. 露天开采在一定程度上会造成生态环境破坏。
  2. Austenitic manganese steel, which serves as large riding wheel at opencut coal mine, belongs to hardworking material. 用于露天煤矿大型托轮的高锰钢属于难加工材料。
  3. The kinds of slope and the influence factors of slope stability in opencut mine are introduced. 介绍了边坡的种类及影响露天矿边坡稳定性的因素。
  4. A great deal of dust and poisonous gas produced in the process of opencut mining pollutes the environment seriously. 露天开采过程中产生大量的粉尘和有害气体,严重污染了环境。
  5. Dagushan iron mine is a typical opencut sunken mine , it has a mining history of nearly 100 years . 鞍山钢铁集团公司鞍山矿业公司大孤山铁矿是国内较为典型的深凹露天矿。
  6. The fatigue life of a truck frame, used in an opencut mine, is calculated by the method.The results show good agreement with pract... 用这种方法对我国某矿山使用的重型矿用汽车车架进行了疲劳寿命计算,计算结果与实际情况比较吻合。