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2024-01-28 02:51:17
美[əʊpənmaʊðd]  英[əʊpənmaʊðd]
adj.  敞口的


  1. with eyes or mouth open in surprise


  1. Breetai stared at her, openmouthed, as she saluted and began to about-face. 当她向布里泰敬礼,准备转身离开时,布里泰张目结舌的望着她。
  2. When the bed was made she sat down on it, openmouthed, tilting her chin up a little, as if it had shown a tendency to droop. 她已经铺好了,她坐在床上张着嘴,把下颚微微向前抬起一点,像是安然和舒畅在镇压着她似的。
  3. A quick romantic kiss will burn about 2-3 calories, whereas French kiss (an openmouthed kiss with tongue contact) will obliterate more than 5 calories. 一个飞快的轻吻可以消耗2-3卡路里,而法式热吻(张开嘴的舌吻)则会消耗至少5卡路里的热量。
  4. When the bed was made she sat down on it, openmouthed, tilting her chin up a little, as if it had shown a tendency to droop . 她已经铺好了,她坐在床上张着嘴,把下颚微微向前抬起一点,像是安然和舒畅在镇压着她似的。
  5. A quick romantic kiss will burn about 2-3 calories, whereas French kiss (an openmouthed kiss with tongue contact) will obliterate more than 5 calories. 一个飞快的轻吻可以消耗2-3卡路里,而法式热吻(张开嘴的舌吻)则会消耗至少5卡路里的热量。
  6. Bob: A quick romantic kiss will burn about 2-3 calories, whereas French kiss (an openmouthed kiss with tongue contact) will obliterate more than 5 calories. 一个飞快的轻吻可以消耗2-3卡路里,而法式热吻则会消耗至少5卡路里的热量。