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2024-01-28 02:59:16
美[ɑːpəreɪt]  英[ɒpəreɪt]
v.  操作;运转;经营;动手术
  过去式:operated  过去分词:operated  现在分词:operating  第三人称单数:operates


  1. 运转,运行,运作
  2. 操作;操纵;控制;使用
  3. 经营;营运;营业
  4. 工作,作业,作出
  5. 【军】作战,执行任务
  6. 操作股票
  7. 开动(机器)等
  8. 管理
  9. 产生效果;起作用;生影响,影响
  10. 【医】动手术,开刀
  11. 对...施行手术;对...开刀
  12. 引起;产生
  13. 使运行


  1. vt. & vi. 运转,操作 work; be in action
  2. vt. 经营,管理 manage
  3. vt. & vi. 开刀,(对…)做手术 cut the body in order to set right or remove a diseased part


  1. direct or control; projects, businesses, etc.;

    "She is running a relief operation in the Sudan"

  2. perform as expected when applied;

    "The washing machine wont go unless its plugged in" "Does this old car still run well?" "This old radio doesnt work anymore"

  3. handle and cause to function;

    "do not operate machinery after imbibing alcohol" "control the lever"

  4. perform a movement in military or naval tactics in order to secure an advantage in attack or defense
  5. happen;

    "What is going on in the minds of the people?"

  6. keep engaged;

    "engaged the gears"

  7. perform surgery on;

    "The doctors operated on the patient but failed to save his life"


  1. operate a lathe开车床
  2. operate radical changes引起了剧烈变化
  3. operate small factories办小型工厂
  4. operate the machine开这部机器
  1. operate continuously不停地运转
  2. operate deftly熟练地操作
  3. operate disastrously灾难性地操作
  4. operate discreetly小心地操作
  5. operate economically经济上地经营
  6. operate efficiently运转效率相当高
  7. operate formally正式经营
  8. operate informally非正式地经营
  9. operate injuriously有害地操作
  10. operate insidiously不知不觉地经营
  11. operate laboriously吃力地操作
  12. operate legally合法经营
  13. operate logically逻辑性经营
  14. operate mechanically机械地操作
  15. operate mentally专心经营
  16. operate particularly特殊地操作
  17. operate primarily重要地操作
  18. operate properly正常运转
  19. operate recklessly不顾后果地操作
  20. operate resolutely果断地操作
  21. operate scientifically科学地操作
  22. operate skillfully技术性地操作
  23. operate successfully成功地操作
  24. operate symbolically象征性地操作
  1. operate against违背,对…不利
  2. operate against the growth of影响…的成长
  3. operate at below 80%(工厂)开工率不到80%
  4. operate by electricity靠电来开动
  5. operate on对…起作用
  6. operate on the principle of根据…原理工作,以…为工作原理
  7. operate to sbs advantage(法律,规则)对某人有利
  8. operate for做…的手术
  9. operate on给…做手术
  10. operate on a patient为病人动手术


  1. Its too difficult for him to operate this new sophisticated machine.对他来说,操作这台复杂的机器太难了。
  2. The lift doesnt operate properly.这台电梯运转不正常。
  3. They operate three factories and a huge warehouse.他们经营三家工厂和一个大仓库。
  4. A large number of factories operate in the red.许多工厂都是负债经营。
  5. The doctor began to operate on the boy.医生开始给那个男孩动手术。


    operate的基本意思是“运转”“操作”,多指开动(机器等),引申可表示“经营”“管理”,主要用于美式英语中。operate用作及物动词时,接名词、代词或动词不定式作宾语。 operate也可作“对…施行手术”“产生影响”解。此时常接介词on,再接某人或某人的某个部位。如果表达“为某人施某种手术”,则用介词for来引出“某种手术”,即operate on sb for sth,这种结构可用于被动形式。


  1. 医生决定马上给病人做手术。

    The doctor decided to operate the patient right away.

    The doctor decided to operate on the patient right away.


    The surgeons operated on her a tumour.

    The surgeons operated on her for a tumour.

    operate作“对…施行手术,对…开刀”解时须接介词on,再接某人,即operate on sb 结构。在表达“为某人施某种手术”时,则用介词for来引出“某种手术”,即operate on sb for sth 结构。