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2024-01-28 03:05:17
美[ɑːpərətɪv]  英[ɒpərətɪv]
adj.  有效的;至关重要的;运作的
n.  技工;侦探


  1. a person secretly employed in espionage for a government
  2. someone who can be employed as a detective to collect information
  1. being in force or having or exerting force;

    "operative regulations" "the major tendencies operative in the American political system"

  2. relating to or requiring or amenable to treatment by surgery especially as opposed to medicine;

    "a surgical appendix" "a surgical procedure" "operative dentistry"

  3. effective; producing a desired effect;

    "the operative word"

  4. (of e.g. a machine) performing or capable of performing;

    "in running (or working) order" "a functional set of brakes"


  1. This law becomes operative on 12 May.此法令自5月12日起生效。
  2. The boss is hopping mad about it and `mad is the operative word.老板对此事暴跳如雷,“暴跳如雷”这个成语在句中最重要。
  3. The oil rig is now fully operative.石油钻塔现全面开工。
  4. The station will be operative again in January.该车站将于一月份恢复使用。
  1. He is the most skilled operative in the factory.他是工厂里最娴熟的技工。
  2. The investigation into the leak of a CIA operatives identity may be nearing an end.对泄露中情局特工身份的调查工作快接近尾声了。