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2024-01-28 03:50:17
美[ɒpɪdən]  英[ɒpɪdən]
n.  城里人
adj.  城里的


  1. He is an oppidan who boards in a private family. 他是寄宿在私人家庭的寄宿生。
  2. Some oppidan like to play a joke with him. 城里的一些人喜欢跟他开玩笑。
  3. Oppidan leaves went up sedan, rural person was on blacktop. 民航班线遍布全国,有些大城市之间,甚至可以像乘坐公共汽车一样,随到随走。
  4. Oppidan is much, too crowded, work seeking a share is hard. 城里人多,太拥挤了,找份工作都难。
  5. Oppidan " jump into farming door " , benefit is very much. 城里人“跳进农门”,好处甚多。
  6. The oppidan of Guiyang city nowadays can " the cultivate land on the net " . 贵阳市的城里人如今能够“网上种地”。