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2024-01-28 03:59:17
美[əpəʊzəbɪlɪtɪ]  英[əpəʊzəbɪlɪtɪ]
n.  可反对;对抗性;可相对性


  1. Id love to know how to get strikers to sit on the shoulder of the oppos def. 我想知道怎么让前锋坐到对方后卫的肩膀上。
  2. Professor: And so, my fellow actors, I trust you all have audition oppo... 教授:听我说伙计们,我想你们都有机会。
  3. That is embrassing.. Announcers of the OPPO sition team are begging alston to shoot. Thats bad. 真尴尬,对手的播音员开始恳求斯通投篮了,太糟糕了。
  4. Maloni M, Benton W Supply Chain Partnership: Oppo - rtunity for Operations Research[J]. 许淑君;马士华.;我中供应链企业问的信任危机分析[J]
  5. However Wangbi changed the opposability between Nature and Feeling, and he claimed Nature should predominate Feeling. 具体说来,就是以道家的自然人性观为基础,认为“性”本朴实,混沌而无善恶:同时在情的问题上主张情分善恶。
  6. Hi, my name is Haregewoin Teferra. I come from Ethiopia and I am excited to havec the oppo Dating tunity to meet and speak with the people of Taiwan. 嗨,我的名字是德菲拉。我来自非洲的衣索比亚。我很兴奋能有机会到台湾和大家见面交谈。