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2024-01-28 04:06:16
美[ˌɑːpəzɪʃn]  英[ˌɒpəzɪʃn]
n.  反对;敌对;在野党


  1. 反对,反抗,抵抗,对抗
  2. 敌对,对立,意见相反
  3. 反对党
  4. 对手,反对派,对方队
  5. 对面的位置(或方向)
  6. 起反对(或阻碍)作用的事物
  7. 【天】冲
  8. 【逻辑】对当
  9. 【语】对立
  10. 【律】拒绝豁免(债务人的)债务
  11. 【棋】对王
  1. 反对党的,反对派的,对方队的


  1. the action of opposing something that you disapprove or disagree with;

    "he encountered a general feeling of resistance from many citizens" "despite opposition from the newspapers he went ahead"

  2. the relation between opposed entities
  3. the act of hostile groups opposing each other;

    "the government was not ready for a confrontation with the unions" "the invaders encountered stiff opposition"

  4. a contestant that you are matched against
  5. a body of people united in opposing something
  6. a direction opposite to another
  7. an armed adversary (especially a member of an opposing military force);

    "a soldier must be prepared to kill his enemies"

  8. the major political party opposed to the party in office and prepared to replace it if elected;

    "Her Majestys loyal opposition"


  1. The new tax program met with fierce opposition.新的征税计划遭到强烈反对。
  2. Her opposition to the plan is of long standing.她对这一计划的反对是旷日持久的。
  3. Opposition to immigration is growing.对外来移民的敌对则在上升。
  4. It seems that he is in crotchety opposition to his father.看起来,他对他爸爸火气很大,也很敌对。
  5. The minister made a tilt at the opposition leader in Parliament.部长在议会上抨击在野党的领袖。
  6. The opposition parties are branding the Premier (as) a man without principle.在野党谴责首相是个没有原则的人。