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2024-01-28 04:14:17
美[əprəʊbriəs]  英[əprəʊbriəs]
adj.  嘴不干净的;辱骂的;臭名昭著的


  1. expressing offensive reproach
  2. (used of conduct or character) deserving or bringing disgrace or shame;

    "Man...has written one of his blackest records as a destroyer on the oceanic islands" "an ignominious retreat" "inglorious defeat" "an opprobrious monument to human greed" "a shameful display of cowardice"


  1. It is now freely applied as an adjective of an opprobrious kind. 目前它被任意用作一种骂人的形容词。
  2. He ransacked his extensive vocabulary in order to find opprobrious names to call her. 他从他的丰富词汇中挑出所有难听的话来骂她。
  3. He ransacked an extensive vocabulary in order to find opprobrious names to call her. 他从他的丰富词汇中挑出所有难听的话来骂她。
  4. A court is not bound to credit bald assertions, unsupportable conclusions, and opprobrious epithets woven into the fabric of the complaint. 法庭不必采信由枯燥的断言,没有根据的结论和无理的绰号所编织的诉求。
  5. opprobrious language, remarks, deeds 辱骂的语言﹑ 言语﹑ 行为.
  6. an opprobrious monument to human greed; 人类贪婪的可耻纪念碑;