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2024-01-28 04:19:17
美[ɒpsən]  英[ɒpsən]
n.  [生化]视蛋白


  1. retinal protein formed by the action of light on rhodopsin


  1. Shanghai Opsin Enterprise Engineer Co., Ltd. 上海左格企业形象策划有限公司。
  2. The colour blindness in the monkeys arises because full colour vision requires two versions of the opsin gene, which is carried on the X chromosome. 色盲在猴群中上升是因为全色觉需要两种不同的视蛋白基因,它们存在于X染色体上。
  3. Our findings indicate that both opsin genes have been under purifying selection in the majority bats despite a long history of nocturnality. 但对恒频蝙蝠而言,视觉退化的根本原因在于它具有一种更发达的回声定位能力。
  4. Each cone contains a pigment that consists of some variant of the protein opsin, linked to a small molecule called retinal, closely related to vitamin A. 每个锥细胞都含有一种视色素,由不同型的视蛋白(opsin)与一个称为视黄醛(retinal,非常类似维生素A)的小分子相连而成。
  5. We found that, whereas the long-wave opsin gene was conserved in all species, the short-wave opsin gene has undergone dramatic divergence among lineages. 而且非回声定位蝙蝠(旧大陆果蝠)和回声定位蝙蝠在色觉能力上并没有明显差异。
  6. RPE cells co-expressed both the RPE cells marker cytokeratin and the neuronal retina markers(MAP2,GS,GFAP,Peripherin,Opsin),when stimulated by bFGF. We did not detect the expression of NCAM in the transdifferentiation RPEs using immunohistochemistry. bFGF诱导培养后的人胚RPE细胞呈现类神经样细胞表型,不仅表达自身上皮细胞标记物角蛋白(Keratin),同时还表达多种神经视网膜上皮细胞标记物(MAP2、GS、GFAP、Peripherin、Opsin,但不表达NCAM);