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2024-01-28 06:02:17
美[ˌɔːkɪdektəmiː]  英[ɔːkɪdektəmɪ]
n.  [医]睾丸切除术


  1. surgical removal of one or both testicles


  1. Results Radical orchidectomy with high ligation of the spermatic cord and ipsilateral hemiscrotectomy and retroperitoneal lymph node dissection were undertaken for 3 cases. 结果3例均行根治性睾丸切除+同侧阴囊切除+腹膜后淋巴清扫术。
  2. There was no significant changes in the 100% hind paw withdrawal threshold after Von-Frey hair stimulation or thermal pain threshold after orchidectomy in male rats. 雄性大鼠去睾丸后后肢足底皮肤对机械性刺激的100%25缩腿阈值和热刺激甩尾潜伏期均无明显改变。
  3. Results 24 cases testicular adnexa were made orchidectomy by operations research,and 6 cases of them were made expectant treatment because of rejecting operation. 结果24例手术治疗,行睾丸附件切除;6例因拒绝手术予以保守治疗。
  4. Keywords Bone histomorphometry;Orchidectomy;Testosterone;Cortical bone; 骨形态计量学;睾丸切除术;睾酮;皮质骨;
  5. Effects of Orchidectomy on Gonadotrophs in the Anterior Pituitary and Plasma Gonadotropin Levels of Stallions 阉割对公马促性腺激素细胞及血中促性腺激素水平的影响
  6. Orchidectomy ( ORX ) 睾丸切除术