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2024-01-28 06:06:16
美[ˌɔːkiːektəmiː]  英[ɔːkɪektəmɪ]
n.  [医]睾丸切除术
  异体字:orchidectomy  名词复数:orchiectomies


  1. surgical removal of one or both testicles


  1. At exploration, orchiectomy was performed in 11 patients (67.4%) due to gangrenous changes of the affected testis. 越早手术探查,越可降低?丸切除率。
  2. Conclusions Bilateral orchiectomy for incidental prostatic carcinoma might improve the patients survival rate. 结论对偶发前列腺癌去势术可提高生存率。
  3. Radical inguinal orchiectomy (RIO) was performed for all patients whereas chemotherap... 治疗方法为行根治性睾丸切除,可不作化疗,预后较好。
  4. Because the testicles make most of the bodys testosterone, after orchiectomy testosterone levels drop. 在西方国家,前列腺癌是男性第二常见的癌症,因而丧生的人数仅次于肺癌。
  5. Awareness of the MRI features of the fibrous pseudotumor is important and could prevent unnecessary orchiectomy. 了解这个病灶的影像特徵是非常重要的,可避免病患接受不必要的睪丸切除术。
  6. Armstrong had surgery on his brain tumors, which were necrotic, and an orchiectomy to remove his diseased testicle. 阿姆斯特朗接受了脑部手术,切除脑部坏死部分,并切除了病变的一个睾丸。