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2024-01-28 06:30:16
美[ɔːdoʊ]  英[ɔːdəʊ]
n.  (天主教的)弥撒祷告历(记载每天的礼拜式和全年节日等)


  1. 【宗】弥撒祷告历
  2. 【宗】(天主教)弥撒祷告历
  3. 【天主教】弥撒祷告历
  4. 教会历书
  5. 能指导每天弥撒及祷告的年历
  6. (天主教的)教会历书( 记载每天的礼拜式和全年节日等)


  1. Do you remember me?orDo you remember who I am? 还记得我是谁吗?
  2. It gives you back everything you say ordo. 你所说的做的每一件事最后都会回应到你身上,
  3. Could you please wait a moment? Ordo you need to go rushly. 你能等我一会儿吗?还是你现在就急着要走?
  4. If you do not want to go out to anywhere ordo any sports, just dancing! 跳舞:如果这个假期你哪儿都不想去,什么运动都懒得做,那至少要玩跳舞吧!
  5. Regeneration in narrower sense has no meaning outside of ordo salutis; it doesnt take place aside from the Word. 狭义的重生,在圣灵救赎次序以外没有意义:重生并不离开上帝的道而独立发生。
  6. Election is the superstructure of our ordo salutis, but not itself the application of redemption. 拣选是属于我们救恩顺序的上层结构,它的本身不属于救赎的施行。