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2024-01-28 07:13:16
美[ɔːgəˌnɒn]  英[ɔːgənɒn]
n.  推理法;研究法
  异体字:organum  名词复数:organa


  1. 研究法
  2. 推理法
  3. 工具论
  4. 原则
  5. 方法论上的原则
  6. 求知的方法
  7. 研究原则


  1. a system of principles for philosophic or scientific investigations; an instrument for acquiring knowledge


  1. Schering-Plough gained asenapine through its 2007 acquisition of Organon BioSciences. 先灵葆雅公司,2007年收购欧加农生物技术公司,从而获得阿塞那平。
  2. Aristotle wrote six works that were later grouped together as the Organon , which means “instrument. 亚里士多德写道六个工程,后来被归并为欧加农 ,这意味着“的工具。
  3. Based in the Netherlands and the USA, Organon is a global leader in the creation of innovative medicine for gynecology, mental health, anesthesia &cardiovascular disease. 欧加农公司以荷兰和美国为基地,从事妇科、精神健康科、麻醉科及心血管科等创新药物的研制和生产,在全球范围内独占鳌头。
  4. Kuracistoj povos transplanti chian organon de la korpo kaj fari ankorau pli fortan batalon kontrau kormalsano kaj kancero en nova jarcento. 治疗学家将可以移植所有的人体器官,还将在新世纪强有力地治疗心脏病和癌。
  5. "Market organon " produced far-reaching effect to the reform of socialistic country, it is the idea source that causes market order disorder. “市场工具论”对社会主义国家的改革产生了深远影响 ,它是导致市场秩序混乱的思想根源。
  6. Based in the Netherlands and the USA, Organon is a global leader in the creation of innovative medicine for gynecology, mental health, anesthesia & cardiovascular disease. 欧加农公司以荷兰和美国为基地,从事妇科、精神健康科、麻醉科及心血管科等创新药物的研制和生产,在全球范围内独占鳌头。