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2024-01-28 08:05:16
美[ɔːlən]  英[ɔːlən]
n.  奥伦,晴纶(合成纤维的一种)


  1. an acrylic fiber or the lightweight crease-resistant fabric made with Orlon yarns


  1. Nylon, dacron and orlon are the names of a few of these synthetic fibers. 尼龙、达克龙以及奥龙是这些合成纤维当中的一些名字。
  2. Application:Used for dyeing of silk,cotton,linen,orlon fibre and in paper-making industry. 用途:用于丝、棉、麻、晴纶纤维的染色及造纸行业。
  3. The need for papers with unique properties has led to the research on the possibilities of glass fibers, rayon, nylon, orlon, dacron and other synthetics. 纸张的独特性能需求已经导致研究关于(制造)玻璃纤维、人造纤维、尼龙、奥纶、涤纶和其他合成纤维的可能性。
  4. Keywords waste orlon wool;alkaline hydrolyzation;high water absorbent resin; 废腈纶毛线;碱法水解;高吸水性树脂;
  5. (trademark) an acrylic fiber or the lightweight crease-resistant fabric made with Orlon yarns. (商标)用晴纶纱制造的重量很轻的抗褶皱的丙烯酸纤维。
  6. Study on the preparation of high water-absorbent resin by alkakine hydrolyzation process of waste orlon wool 废旧腈纶毛线碱法水解制备高吸水性树脂研究