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2024-01-28 08:23:16
美[ˌɔːnɪθəlɒdʒɪkl]  英[ˌɔːnɪθəlɒdʒɪkl]
adj.  鸟类学的


  1. of or relating to ornithology;

    "her ornithological interests"


  1. Wild geese in the ornithological park of Marquenterre, northern France. 法国北部Marquenterre鸟类公园中的野鹅。
  2. That’s simply the truth, whether or not some people would like to ban gay ornithological unions. 不管有些人想禁止鸟类同性结合,但这是一个实实在在存在的事。
  3. In order to erase our ornithological ignorance, my parents played records of birdcalls. 为了消除我们对鸟儿的无知,父母开始播放鸟叫的录音。
  4. This ornithological study was made in Yunnan Pine stands on both the western and eastern slopes of the Ailao Mountain. 本文运用了群落相似系数、种间相遇机率指数、生态位分布型和食性研究,观测分析了同一山体两侧山坡八块样地冬季鸟类群落状况。
  5. Mere amateurs in 2009 will make ornithological history in China by discovering birds unknown to science. 通过发现未知的鸟类品种,地道的业余爱好者将创造中国鸟类学历史。
  6. One years survey of ornithological resources along the region of Hualien river was conducted from March 1999 to February 2000. 摘要本研究主要在调查花莲溪流域鸟类资源,研究期间自1999年3月至2000年2月,为期一年。