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2024-01-28 09:38:17
美[ɔːθəmɔːfɪk]  英[ɔːθəmɔːfɪk]
adj.  [地]正形的


  1. As the application of orthomorphic permutations in cryptography, we simply emphasize the advantage provided by such permutation in increasing the security of a block cipher. 简要强调了利用正形置换强化分组密码的优点;利用正形置换设计了一种密码安全布尔函数。
  2. We develop a necessary and sufficient condition under which an orthomorphic permutation is linear, and also improve the method available of constructing nonlinear orthomorphic permutations. 给出了一类线性正形置换的计数方法;对现有的非线性正形置换的构造方法进行了改进;
  3. lambert orthomorphic conical projection 兰勃特等角圆锥投影
  4. transverse cylindrical orthomorphic chart 横轴墨卡托投影地图
  5. orthomorphic map projection transformation 正形变换
  6. orthomorphic permutation polynomial 正形置换多项式