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2024-01-28 10:13:16
美[ɔːzoʊ]  英[ɔːzəʊ]
n.  [总称]米粒状面食


  1. pasta shaped like pearls of barley; frequently prepared with lamb in Greek cuisine


  1. Add any remaining stock to orzo. 把剩下的高汤倒入大麦汤中。
  2. Drain orzo and toss with tomato mixture. 将面中的水排出,加入西红柿等混合物搅拌。
  3. Add orzo;cook until al dente, 10 minutes. 把大麦倒入沸水中煮约10分钟,至口感较硬。
  4. Drain orzo and toss with tomato mixture.Add feta and toss again. 将意粉沥干,与之前的番茄混合物搅拌,加入奶酪再次搅拌。
  5. Esse giunsero a Bethlehem quando si cominciava a mietere l’orzo. 我肚子里还有儿子作你们的丈夫吗?
  6. In a large saucepan, bring 6 cups stock to a boil. Add orzo; cook until al dente, 10 minutes. Add salt and pepper. 将6杯高汤倒入一大锅中煮沸。把大麦倒入沸水中煮约10分钟,至口感较硬。放入盐和胡椒。