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2024-01-28 10:34:17
美[ɒskjʊˌlənt]  英[ɒskjʊlənt]
adj.  密接的;两种中间有共通特征的;中间性的


  1. Be in Europe, osculant mark wears what feeling concerns to begin. 在欧洲,接吻标志着感情关系的开始。
  2. Non-CHD group persons are mainly typical extroversion personality, while CHD group patients are osculant personality primarily (P 非冠心病组以典型外倾人格为主;冠心病组以混合型人格为主(P<0.;05)。
  3. Results Non-CHD group persons are mainly typical extroversion personality, while CHD group patients are osculant personality primarily (P 结果非冠心病组以典型外倾人格为主;冠心病组以混合型人格为主(P<0.;05)。
  4. Labial evolution only then photograph at ours feed, apply at the speech later.But osculant function satisfied us more need. 从达尔文的观点来看,性的选择是通过基因遗传的。
  5. Kerry is Sydney some university a student of 21 years old, she does not know osculant feeling, also do not have the habit of masturbation. 克里是悉尼某大学一位21岁的学生,她从来不知道接吻的感觉,也没有手淫的习惯。
  6. On the other hand, after parting company with human pedigree, their osculant behavior also may evolve into generation independently. 另一方面,它们的接吻行为也可能是和人类的谱系分道扬镳之后独立演变产生的。