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2024-01-28 10:38:16
美[ɒskjələˌtɒrɪ]  英[ɒskjʊleɪtərɪ]
adj.  接吻的;接触的


  1. Does osculatory mango cause skin allergy how to do? 接触芒果引起皮肤过敏怎么办?
  2. C, " osculatory place " seek a perception. “接触部位”找感觉。
  3. Want to say the osculatory time that is us is short, that is incorrect. 要说是我们的接触时间短,那是不对的。
  4. Because company of spaceflight gold card is in,be not osculatory IC. 由于受到资金和体制等方面的制约|金卡公司进入交通领域,发挥其优势创造了条件。
  5. This kind says to catch hair dermatitis again by the osculatory sex dermatitis that catchs hair agent to cause. 这种由染发剂引起的接触性皮炎又称染发皮炎。
  6. The skin contacts chromic compound for a long time to be able to cause osculatory sex dermatitis or eczema. 皮肤长期接触铬化合物可引起接触性皮炎或湿疹。