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2024-01-28 11:21:16
美[ɒsɪkəl]  英[ɒsɪkl]
n.  小骨


  1. a small bone; especially one in the middle ear


  1. Destruction of the auditoy ossicle chain. 听骨链破坏。
  2. In birds, reptiles and many amphibians there is only one ossicle. 鸟类、爬行动物和许多两栖动物只有一块听小骨。
  3. Why does my hand bowl grow an outstanding ossicle head? 为什么我的手碗长个突出的小骨头?
  4. Objective: To look for an ideal biological auditory ossicle. 摘要目的:寻找一种理想的生物人工听骨。
  5. Furthermore, the proposed method was easy to use and could be used to optimize material and shape of an ossicle. 而且该方法简单易行,同时它还可以优化听骨的材料和形状。
  6. The hearing was improved obviously after reconstruction of the EAM and ossicle for the patients with normal stapes footplate. 镫骨底板活动患者外耳道、中耳重建术后听力改善明显。