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2024-01-28 11:24:17
美[ɒsɪfɪk]  英[ɒsɪfɪk]
adj.  [生理]骨化的;成骨的


  1. Conclusion The anterior operation has a significant effect on OPLL, which could resect the ossific tissue directly, decompress the spinal cord completely, and fix the vertebrae firmly. 结论 OPLL经颈前路手术可直接切除致压物,减压彻底,钛板固定可靠,手术效果良好,但手术风险及合并症高于后路手术。
  2. pulmonary ossific nodule 肺骨化性结节
  3. ossific ation centers 骨化中心
  4. ossific chondrophyma 骨化软骨瘤
  5. ossific nodule 骨化小结节
  6. ossific process 骨化过程