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2024-01-28 12:07:17
美[ˌɒstiəpæθɪk]  英[ˌɒstiəpæθɪk]
adj.  整骨疗法的


  1. There are currently 70 state medical boards authorized to regulate allopathic and osteopathic physicians. 大约有70个州医学委员会被授权规范对抗疗法和正骨疗法的医生。
  2. Students will study in detail medical acupuncture, homeopathy. osteopathic manipulation and guided imagery. 学生们将详细学习针灸、顺势疗法、骨疗手法以及暗示疗法。
  3. Osteopathic therapy is the preferred approach to make for "drainages" and "allow for the supply of physical and nerve nutriment to the eyes. 整骨疗法是非常好的清理"排泄系统“以及使物质和神经的营养物达到眼部的的理想方法。”
  4. Use of an electrically-driven vibrator, massage, chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation should help to produce the needed effect. 使用电力推动振动器、按摩、脊椎按摩疗法或者是整骨疗法操作有助于产生所想要的效果。
  5. The osteopathic physician is trained to augment these intrinsic mechanisms to help the body to better and more quickly heal itself. 而整骨师是经过训练来提高人体的内在机制而使身体更快地恢复健康!
  6. Qualified individuals should have Diplomas or certificates of Doctor of Medicine (MD), Doctor of Chinese Medicine (DCM), Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine (ND), and Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO). 符合资格认证者具有如下文凭或证书:医学博士(MD),中医(DCM),自然疗法医师(ND),骨医学师(DO)。