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2024-01-28 13:21:17
美[ˌoʊ]  英[ˌəʊjuː]
abbr.  牛津大学(=Oxford University)


  1. Ou Chuliang is the goalie for Shen Hua. 区楚良是申花队的守门员。
  2. The canonical name of the OU should be specified. 应指定OU的规范名称。
  3. I told em I was claustrophobic, I go get ou here! 我告诉他们我有幽闭症,我必须出去!
  4. The one who comes to Me, I will never cast ou t. 到我这里来的人,到我这里来的,我总不丢弃他。
  5. The OU or the domain can be specified. 可以指定OU或域。
  6. Ou can make shipment in September. 我想知道你们能否在九月份装运。