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2024-01-28 13:47:16
美[aʊt]  英[aʊt]
adv.  出;在外;完
prep.  向外;在外面
v.  出来;暴露;驱逐;熄灭;伸出;公开…的同性恋身份
  过去式:outed  过去分词:outed  现在分词:outing  第三人称单数:outs


  1. 出,出外,向外
  2. 在外,在室外,不在家
  3. 离开正常位置(或状态等)
  4. 彻底,完全
  5. 大声地,出声地
  6. 离岸,向公海
  7. 出现,显露,问世
  8. 熄灭
  9. 【棒球】出局
  10. 无知觉,昏迷着;熟睡着
  11. 出界
  12. 在罢工中
  13. 处于在野(非执政)状态
  14. (花)盛开着
  1. <口>沿着...而去
  2. <口>通过...而出,从...出,向外
  3. 除掉,清除
  4. 用…制作
  5. 离开
  6. 因为,出于
  1. 逐出,赶出,驱逐
  2. 【拳击】打倒,击昏
  3. 【体】使退场,使出局
  4. 伸出
  5. 败露,破露,显露,暴露
  6. 把(火)弄熄
  7. <美俚>揭发出(某人)为同性恋者,使(同性恋者)曝光,揭露,公布(同性恋者)
  8. 击败
  9. 成为人所共知
  10. 表示使某物从集体中单独出来
  1. 在野的,下台的,不执政的
  2. <口>特大的,特号的
  3. 外面的,外头的,外围的,外侧的,外的
  4. 离开中心的,偏僻的
  5. 远的
  6. 向外(去)的
  7. 不平常的
  8. 过时的,落伍的
  9. 不在家的,不在办公室的,缺席的
  10. (棒球、垒球等中)出局的
  11. (球赛等)出界的,界外的
  12. 错误的,不精确的
  13. 生疏的,不熟练的
  14. 没有的,缺乏的
  15. (经济上)损失的
  16. (花)盛开的;(植物)开花的;(雏鸡等)孵出的
  1. 表示"愤慨""谴责"等,滚,走开
  2. 报文完,不必回话
  1. 外部,外头,外观
  2. 【棒球】出局
  3. 失去了地位的人,在野党
  4. <英方>远足,郊游;外出
  5. 【运】守方
  6. 【印】漏排
  7. 缺点,弱点
  8. 借口,藉口,托辞;逃脱的手段


  1. 离开某地,不在里面 away from or not inside a place
  2. 不在家,不在工作地点; (书等)已借出 not at home or at a place of work; not in the library
  3. 远离(陆地、祖国、城镇等) indicating distance away from land, ones country, a town, etc.
  4. 显露,暴露; 问世 so as to be clearly seen, shown, understood, etc.
  5. 过时,不再流行 no longer fashionable
  6. 大声地,出声地 in a loud voice; aloud
  7. 到尽头,全部,彻底 to the end; completely
  8. 无知觉 unconscious
  9. (火或灯)熄灭 (of a fire or light)no longer burning
  10. 下台,在野 no longer in a position of power


  1. (baseball) a failure by a batter or runner to reach a base safely in baseball;

    "you only get 3 outs per inning"

  1. not allowed to continue to bat or run;

    "he was tagged out at second on a close play" "he fanned out"

  2. being out or having grown cold;

    "threw his extinct cigarette into the stream" "the fire is out"

  3. not worth considering as a possibility;

    "a picnic is out because of the weather"

  4. out of power; especially having been unsuccessful in an election;

    "now the Democrats are out"

  5. excluded from use or mention;

    "forbidden fruit" "in our house dancing and playing cards were out" "a taboo subject"

  6. directed outward or serving to direct something outward;

    "the out doorway" "the out basket"

  7. no longer fashionable;

    "that style is out these days"

  8. outside or external;

    "the out surface of a ships hull"

  9. outer or outlying;

    "the out islands"

  10. knocked unconscious by a heavy blow
  1. away from home;

    "they went out last night"

  2. moving or appearing to move away from a place, especially one that is enclosed or hidden;

    "the cat came out from under the bed"

  3. from ones possession;

    "he gave out money to the poor" "gave away the tickets"

  1. to state openly and publicly ones homosexuality;

    "This actor outed last year"

  2. reveal (something) about somebodys identity or lifestyle;

    "The gay actor was outed last week" "Someone outed a CIA agent"

  3. be made known; be disclosed or revealed;

    "The truth will out"


  1. His book came out last month.他的书上个月出版了。
  2. He took out a book from the case.他从箱子里拿出一本书。
  3. Students may not stay out after midnight.学生午夜后不得在外逗留。
  4. I went out into the cold and got a chill.我走到户外的冷空气里打了个寒颤。
  5. The fire has gone out.火已熄灭。
  6. The fuel was rapidly running out.燃料很快就要用完了。
  1. They heard a yap and ran out of the house.他们听见了一声狂吠就跑出了屋外。
  2. He stared vacantly out of the window.他茫然若失地从窗子往外看。
  3. Mr Green is out of town this week.格林先生本星期不在伦敦。
  1. The truth will out.真相终将大白于天下。
  2. I was outed by my wife.我让老婆给赶出来了。
  3. And the fire was outed.而且火也已经熄灭了。
  4. A crocodile cannot out its tongue.鳄鱼的舌头伸不出来。
  5. The tabloid article has outed a well-known politician.小报公开了一个知名政客的同性恋身份。


    out用作副词最基本的意思是“出,在外”,在此基础上引申出多种意思,并可与许多动词搭配使用,构成习语; 在句中可用作状语、表语; 与of连用可构成复合介词。