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2024-01-28 13:55:17
美[aʊtbleɪz]  英[aʊtbleɪz]
vi.  发光芒;迸发热情
vt.  亮光超过


  1. Some stars out of Milky Way outblaze the sun. 银河系外的有些星体其光度超过太阳。
  2. Would like you and Howard Outblaze sincere cooperation, create a better tomorrow! 愿您与华炫公司真诚合作,共创美好的明天!
  3. As I like the vocation very much,I am confident of success ,and I will outblaze hardy , because of loving,I sighed up, I wish you can give the opporunity to me! 因为我很喜欢这个行业,我有信心成功,并且我会努力的把自己的热情发扬出来,因为喜欢所以报名,希望给我这个机会!
  4. As I like the vocation very much.I am confident of success .and I will outblaze hardy . because of loving.I sighed up.I wish you can give the opporunity to me! 因为我很喜欢这个行业.;我有信心成功
  5. ip "58.60.83 .*" friends: a typical nouveau riche mentality, Outblaze is not a cat, she is Hyun Chouqian point. 猫主的目的不明,一看就让人想到炫富。不过炫富炫错了,炫的都是人的物品,没见到有猫的日用品。