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2024-01-28 14:11:17
美[aʊtˌkrɔːs]  英[aʊtˌkrɔːs]
sp.  [生]vt.;使远交;使异型杂交
  过去式:outcrossed  过去分词:outcrossed  现在分词:outcrossing  第三人称单数:outcrosses


  1. We bred to our first outcross, Ch. 同时,它还能帮助平衡失格与正确特征之间微妙的差异。
  2. When you outcross, look for a male from a line of distinct type. 当你在进行异系繁殖的时候,请选择一只与本犬型截然不同的犬只。
  3. It is important to recognize when you might benefit from an outcross breeding. 对于异系繁殖的认识也是非常重要的,有时,它也会有利于繁殖的发展。
  4. Ascospore analysis suggested that the fungus is homothallic but will preferentially outcross. 从分析子囊孢子的结果看出,此菌能同亲配合,但很易异型杂交。
  5. Yet the cats should be somewhat related, as the more you outcross, the lesser the type will be. 然而猫咪之间也需要有一定的关系,因为远交的程度越高,就越难保持血统特征。
  6. Misguided about breeding methods, some used outcross breedings in order to avoid genetic disorders. 繁殖方式也会出现误导性,一些繁殖者为避免基因的遗传性障碍(遗传病),而使用异系繁殖。