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2024-01-28 14:16:16
美[aʊtdeɪt]  英[aʊtdeɪt]
vt.  使过时;使落伍
  过去式:outdated  过去分词:outdated  现在分词:outdating  第三人称单数:outdates


  1. The quality is fine, but the style is outdate. 质量无问题,只是款式有点过时。
  2. It was because the car is outdate. 这种类型的车在安省已很少见了?
  3. Quality has no problem,only style has a little outdate. 质量无问题,只是款式有点过时。
  4. Quality is good but the style is a little bit outdate. 质量无问题,只是款式有点过时。
  5. Older Are Outdate Now! Now Is Youngster World.! Say Goodbye to Uncle.! 长江后浪推前浪!:
  6. Staff performance assessment of the managing system of government-managed organization in Taiwan is outdate. 实证结果指出资讯委外的工作表现层面受到特殊自我效能的影响较大,受到一般自我效能的影响较少。