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2024-01-28 14:23:16
美[aʊtdɔːzmən]  英[aʊtdɔːzmən]
n.  常在野外活动的人


  1. a person who spends time outdoors (e.g., hunting or fishing)


  1. I like to think of myself as an outdoorsman. 我喜欢吧自己当做一个户外活动者。
  2. Outdoorsman The President enjoys hunting and fishing. 户外运动普京热爱打猎和钓鱼。
  3. Roosevelt was an outdoorsman and a hunter, but he also loved animals. 罗斯福是一位喜爱户外活动的人也是一位猎人,但他也热爱动物。
  4. The media dont seem to know -- which sounds like what this southern outdoorsman would have intended. 媒体似乎也不清楚-好像是这个南部常在野外活动的人故意为之。
  5. Zeke, a rough-looking outdoorsman, convinces Steve with a little physical violence to leave Susan alone, but Steve doesnt go far. 公寓管理员可可把她带到鲁丝的房间,留下她在那里独自等候外出未归的鲁丝。
  6. PROTREK also offers travel talks and free face to face travel enquiry services to suit different needs, no matter you are outdoorsman or traveller. 更提供旅游讲座、及旅游面谈谘询服务。