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2024-01-28 14:33:17
美[ˌaʊtfeɪs]  英[ˌaʊtfeɪs]
vt.  大胆地对付;逼视威慑
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  1. overcome or cause to waver or submit by (or as if by) staring;

    "He simply stared down his opponent"


  1. It is impossible to outface a cat, because they dont have to blink. 因为猫儿不必眨眼睛,所以我们不可能瞪视著牠。
  2. It is brave to outface the death. However, when living is more horrible than death, go on living is truely the sovereign courage. 1蔑视死亡是一种英勇的行为,但是当活着比死亡更加可怕的时候,那么敢于生活下去才是至高无上的勇气。
  3. The outface is painted with fireproofing lacquer, can isolate air availably, reach the effect of isolated hot, The inboard face prevents thermal transmission. 外表面喷有防火漆,能有效地隔绝空气,达到隔热效果;内侧垫加硅酸铝岩棉和防火板,阻止热量的传导;
  4. It is not only meet with precision of the outface of parts,but also can assure the precision of the inface of parts.And it is developped the traditional process mandrel spinning. 该工艺不仅能满足工件外表面精度的要求,而且还能保证内表面的精度要求,是对传统芯模旋压工艺的完善。
  5. outface ones opponent without flinching 直视对手而无惧色.
  6. we dare to outface all kinds of hardships...... Though unattractive, we work hard regardless of criticism. 我们敢与严寒酷暑较量;我们敢与风霜雪雨抗争......我们并不起眼,但我们任劳任怨。