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2024-01-28 14:52:16
美[aʊtɡruːp]  英[aʊtɡruːp]
n.  外集团;外围集团


  1. ITS sequences of ten kinds of Iris plants and an outgroup were obtained by primer design, PCR, gene cloning, sequencing and cluster analysis. 通过引物设计、PCR、基因克隆、测序,获得了10种鸢尾属植物和1个外类群种的ITS序列。
  2. What does group membership mean? How should we measure it? Ingroup vs. Outgroup. 群体会员的意思是什么?我们应如何衡量?圈内与圈外。
  3. In this, Erythrosuchids constitute an Archosauriformes clade that is an outgroup to the Archosauria proper. 依照这个方法,引鳄科构成一个初龙形动物演化支,是初龙的外群体。
  4. This practice of painting an "outgroup" as homogeneous has a long and dangerous history. 将局外人描述成同类的行径有着深远而危险的历史。
  5. These two signals were characters of phylogenetic relationship and the outgroup was red deer. 记录时间中,歌曲的组成稳定,其声学特徵无显著差异。
  6. This is consistent with its recent placement as a derived lineage within an outgroup of red algae (11). 这也与近期将C.;merolae归类为红藻的一类外群衍生谱系一致。