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2024-01-28 15:03:16
美[aʊtdʒʌmp]  英[aʊtdʒʌmp]
vt.  比 ... 跳得高(或远)


  1. Anyways, Ive got my opinion and Ill risk forty dollars that he can outjump any frog in Calaveras County. 别管你怎么看,我心里有数,我赌四十块钱,敢说这蛤蟆比卡县随便哪一只蛤蟆都蹦得高。”
  2. Anyways, Ive got my opinion and Ill resk forty dollars that he can outjump any frog in Calaveras county. 别管你怎么看,我心里有数,我赌四十块钱,敢说这蛤蟆比卡县随便哪一只蛤蟆都蹦得高。”
  3. “Carelessly and easily, Smiley said, ‘ Hes only good for one thing in this world; he can outjump any frog in Calaveras County.’ “斯迈利随口不当回事地说,‘它只有一个用处:在卡拉维拉斯县里它能比随便哪个青蛙跳得更远’。
  4. Carelessly and easily, Smiley said,‘Hes only good for one thing in this world; he can outjump any frog in Calaveras County.’ 淡然而肯定地,斯麦尔利说道,‘他在这个世界上只擅长一件事,那就是跳过卡拉维拉斯县的任何一只青蛙。’
  5. “The fellow took the money and started to leave, but as he was going out the door, he turned, jerked his thumb at Daniel and said, ‘Hes not so good.Any old swamp frog can outjump him!’ “那个家伙拿起钱,动身就走,在他正要出门的时候,他转过身,用拇指猛然一甩,指着丹尼尔说,‘它不怎么样,那只淤泥里的老青蛙都能跳过它。’