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2024-01-28 15:23:17
美[aʊtmætʃ]  英[aʊtmætʃ]
vt.  胜过;超过
  过去式:outmatched  过去分词:outmatched  现在分词:outmatching  第三人称单数:outmatches


  1. be or do something to a greater degree;

    "her performance surpasses that of any other student I know" "She outdoes all other athletes" "This exceeds all my expectations" "This car outperforms all others in its class"


  1. But, it seems that enjoying a long history is the only aspect in which the Double Seven Festival can outmatch the former. 但是,看来中国的七夕节只是比西方的情人节历史悠久而已。
  2. You see,hes Chinese and hes lean and shot when compared to most other to players like Sampras and Agassi and yet hes able to outmatch them in some games. 他是中国人,跟桑普拉斯或阿加西等其他世界顶尖球手相比,他又瘦又矮,但反而能够在一些赛事中打败他们。
  3. You see, hes Chinese and hes lean and shot when compared to most other to players like Sampras and Agassi and yet hes able to outmatch them in some games. 他是中国人,跟桑普拉斯或阿加西等其他世界顶尖球手相比,他又瘦又矮,但反而能够在一些赛事中打败他们。
  4. The huge “flying saucer” form roof outmatch above the beautiful platform running south and north, full of power and grandeur, it appears glow behind the shinning of the sun. 巨大的“飞蝶”形屋顶凌驾于南北贯穿的群芳平台之上,气势恢宏,在阳光下的照射下更是显得熠熠生辉。
  5. But it is interesting to think that in some ways both bullets and comets are very scaled down instances of a kind of energy that can pound-for-pound outmatch antimatter to whatever degree you want. 只是这一次来得快了点,才显得有戏剧性。虚拟的网络背后有真实的人,每个人都要对自己的言论负责。大家该是丢分,还是丢份,都是文责自负。"
  6. China has a five thousand year’s civilized history;especially the period of the feudal hierarchy is the longest.So Chinese regard that the kingship is super than everything and power outmatch law. 中国拥有五千年的文明历史,尤其是封建等级制度存在的时间最为冗长,于是国人认为王权高于一切,权力凌驾与法律之上。