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2024-01-28 15:25:17
美[aʊtˌmoʊst]  英[aʊtməʊst]
adj.  最外面的;最远的


  1. situated at the farthest possible point from a center


  1. Most distant from the center or inside; outmost. 最外面的离中心或里面最远的;最外面的
  2. Most distant from the center or inside;outmost. 最外面的离中心或里面最远的;最外面的
  3. These soil marks can be picked outmost easily when the land has been ploughed. 人们耕地时,会非常容易地发现这些土壤标记。
  4. Thefilm with ASB as the outmost layer was further modified by reactive reagents bearingamine group. 利用 ASB 所带端双键对自组装膜的表面进行化学改性。
  5. The development of the outmost stratum of epidermis was vertical and parallel to circumference of fruit. 表皮外层主要表现为垂周分裂和平周生长;
  6. Second, we must do our outmost in publicity, including movies, books, TVs, radios and new religion spreading. 第二,一定要尽一切可能做好宣传工作,包括电影、书籍、电视、无线电波和新式的宗教传布。