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2024-01-28 16:02:16
美[aʊtˌrʌnə]  英[aʊtˌrʌnə]
n.  跑在前面的人;跑在外侧的人;(跑在马车前面和或旁边的)马车侍从;流出物;先驱者


  1. Positive ones in biology favors "new" while negative ones are just the opposite, so positive biology is outrunner of evolution. 生物界中的阳者喜欢“新”,而阴者反之,故喜新恶旧的阳者生物在进化中起先驱作用。
  2. Thereafter, Zora Neale Hurston, the outrunner of Afro-American women literature, portrayed an anti-tradition black woman image whose self-consciousness awakens. 其后,佐拉·尼尔·赫斯顿这位美国黑人女性主义文学的先驱者从女性视角出发,塑造了一位自我意识觉醒的反传统黑人女性形象。
  3. Most Taiwan made outrunner have pretty high KV.I am not sure why but my guess is that high KV motors cost less to wind and it is suitable for helicopter applications which is popular in Taiwan. 台湾生产的外转马达都有相当高的KV,我不是很理解,可能是其绕线成本低或是较适合电直升机的应用。