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2024-01-28 16:53:17
美[aʊtwədnɪs]  英[aʊtwədnɪs]
n.  客观存在(客观性)


  1. concern with outward things or material objects as opposed to the mind and spirit;

    "what is the origin of the outwardness of our sensations of sound, smell, or taste" "an abstract conception with feelings of reality and spatial outwardness attached to it"

  2. the quality or state of being outside or directed toward or relating to the outside or exterior;

    "the outwardness of the world"

  3. a concern with or responsiveness to outward things (especially material objects as opposed to ideal concepts);

    "hearty showmanship and all-round outwardness"


  1. My husband never falls for outward trappings. 我丈夫从来不喜欢装饰外表的物品。
  2. He got lost on the outward journey. 他外出旅行不知所终。
  3. He was to all outward appearances dead. 他显然已经死了。
  4. Outward appearance or aspect; semblance. 外表外在的容貌或样子; 外貌
  5. An opening for outward discharge; a vent. 排气道,通气管向外排放物质的洞; 通风孔
  6. An outward show of confidence concealed his nervousness. 他表现出很有信心的样子以掩盖内心的紧张。