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2024-01-28 17:10:17
美[uːzoʊ]  英[uːzəʊ]
n.  茴香烈酒;希腊产的饭后酒之一种


  1. 茴香烈酒(希腊产,通常兑水饮用)
  2. 甘露酒
  3. 希腊产的饭后酒之一种


  1. a Greek liquor flavored with anise


  1. Lets have a glass of ouzo with our meal. 用餐时,我们来一杯茴香酒吧。
  2. I drank ouzo as an aperitif, dribbling it into a tumbler of water. 我要了茴香烈酒作为开胃酒,我把酒装进一个装满水的平底酒杯里来喝。
  3. Production and sale of high quality products, OUZO - Tsipouro - Vodka - Raki - Liqueurs - Brandy -... 关键字:代表性产品|茴芹利口酒|利口酒|水果利口酒|含酒精饮料...
  4. Turk and Greek might sit together, he went on, drinking raki and ouzo by the“ blue magic” of the sea that divided them. 尽管爱琴海的蓝色魔力将他们分开,但土耳其人和希腊人仍可能会坐在一起,喝喝茴香酒,雷基酒什么的。
  5. In the evenings, people gather at tables and chairs in the main square to chat, sip ouzo (an anise drink), or play backgammon. 夜晚,人们在主要广场围坐谈天论地,喝大茴香酒,或玩西洋双陆棋。
  6. Turk and Greek might sit together, he went on, drinking raki and ouzo by the “blue magic” of the sea that divided them. 尽管爱琴海的蓝色魔力将他们分开,但土耳其人和希腊人仍可能会坐在一起,喝喝茴香酒,雷基酒什么的。