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2024-01-28 17:27:16
美[oʊvər]  英[əʊvə(r)]
prep.  在 ... 的上方;遍及地;在 ... 期间
adv.  穿过;完全覆盖;结束;落下
n.  (板球中)每个投球手一次连续所投出的球数
  过去式:overed  过去分词:overed  现在分词:overing  第三人称单数:overs


  1. 关于
  2. 遍及,到处
  3. 超过,越过...
  4. 支配
  5. 在…上面,在...之上,在正上方
  6. 在…期间
  7. 一面...一面...
  8. 高于
  9. 由于
  10. 从...边缘上往下
  11. 在...对面
  12. 监督
  13. 多余
  1. 再,又
  2. 越过
  3. 全部地
  4. 从头至尾,自始至终
  5. 再一次,重复地,多次
  6. 剩余
  7. 从一边至另一边,从一方至另一方
  8. 更多
  9. 翻倒,翻转
  10. 遍及
  11. 在上方,在上空
  1. 【板】彼此由三柱门交互连续所投之球
  2. 连续投球比赛
  3. 剩余,余额
  4. 【军】远弹
  5. 多余的东西,额外的东西
  6. 每个投球手一次连续所投出的球数
  7. 投出这些球的时间
  1. 上面的,上方的,在上的
  2. 完了的,结束的,做完的,完结的
  3. 双面煎的
  4. 剩余的,多余的
  5. 表层的,外面的
  6. 过分的
  7. 通过的
  8. 越过的,超过的
  1. 跳过
  2. 走过
  3. 越过


  1. (表示位置)在…的正上方,在…的上面,在…的上空 directly above; higher than; but not touching
  2. (表示位置)遍布在…上面,扩展到…全部 in or across every part or most parts of sth/a place
  3. (表示方向)越过,从一边至…的另一边 across; from one side of sth to the other
  4. (表示方向)从…的边缘向下 down across the edge of
  5. (表示等级或数目)高于,在…之上,超过 more than; above
  6. (表示时间或过程)在…期间,在从事…的时候 during; through (a period); while doing, etc.
  7. (表示论及)关于,在…方面 in connection with
  1. (倒)下,(掉)下,翻过来 outwards and downwards from an upright position
  2. 从一边至另一边,从一方至另一方 from one side to another side
  3. 全部地,从头至尾 completely through from beginning to end
  4. 再一次,重复地 showing that sth is repeated
  5. 过分地,太 too much; too
  6. 结束,了结 ended


  1. (cricket) the division of play during which six balls are bowled at the batsman by one player from the other team from the same end of the pitch
  1. having come or been brought to a conclusion;

    "the harvesting was complete" "the affair is over, ended, finished" "the abruptly terminated interview"

  1. at or to a point across intervening space etc.;

    "come over and see us some time" "over there"

  2. throughout an area;

    "he is known the world over"

  3. throughout a period of time;

    "stay over the weekend"

  4. beyond the top or upper surface or edge; forward from an upright position;

    "a roof that hangs over"

  5. over the entire area;

    "the wallpaper was covered all over with flowers" "she ached all over" "everything was dusted over with a fine layer of soot"


  1. change over对调
  2. come over过来
  3. fall over跌倒
  1. over a game of golf在打高尔夫球时
  2. over ones face在某人的脸上
  3. over the table在桌子正上方
  4. over the fence在篱笆上面


  1. The lamp hung over the table.那盏灯悬挂在桌子上方。
  2. He sprinkled sugar over his cereal.他在麦片粥里撒上了糖。
  3. He scattered his clothes all over the floor.他把衣服扔了一地。
  4. He went to sleep over his work.他干着干着活儿就睡著了。
  1. We must go over the mountain.我们必须越过那座山。
  2. Cover her over with a blanket.给她盖好毯子.
  3. By the time we arrived the meeting was over.我们到达时,会议已结束了。
  4. Then the sun will rise on your left and pass over your head to set on your right.然后太阳从你左边升起,经过你的头顶,从你的右边落下。
  5. The dark red heavy curtain is falling down slowly, the music show is over.暗红色的帷幔缓缓落下,音乐剧也演完了。


    over表示方向可作“从或通过…顶上(交谈等)”解; 作“从…边沿溢出,漫过”解,其后一般接容器类物体、河堤等。 over还可表示状态,作“遮在…上方,盖在…上面,伏在…上”“挡在…前面,遮在…前面”解。 over还可表示方式,作“通过,凭助,经由…的媒介”解,其后常接电话、电视、收音机等交际工具名词。 over还可表示原因,作“由于,因为”解,常与动词fight, quarrel, rejoice等动词连用。作“因碰撞…(而)”解,常与fall, trip等动词连用,后接表示凸出的物体的名词。 over还可表示比较,作“与…相比,与…比较而言”解,常与choose, like, prefer等动词连用。 over表示过程,还可作“翻遍,查遍,看遍,度过”解。 over还可表示伴随,作“在(某人)身旁(看护),在(某人)周围(监视)”解,常与sit, stand, watch等动词连用。 over还可表示运算,作“除以”解。