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2024-01-28 17:33:17
美[ˌoʊvərəgresɪv]  英[əʊvərəgresɪv]
adj.  过于侵略成性的;过于放肆的;过于积极进取的
  副词:overaggressively  名词:overaggressiveness


  1. Be overbearing, overaggressive, and conceited. 傲慢专横,咄咄逼人,自负。
  2. He should never be overaggressive or timid. 决不能有侵略性或过于胆怯。
  3. To promote or attempt to sell(a commercial product,for example)in an overaggressive or showy manner. 强行推销用过于夸张或卖弄的方式推销或试图兜售(如商业产品)
  4. To promote or attempt to sell(a commercial product, for example) in an overaggressive or showy manner. 强行推销用过于夸张或卖弄的方式推销或试图兜售(如商业产品)
  5. But he said an overaggressive over-aggressive approach would provoke considerable opposition in Congress. 但是他说太极端的方法会引来国会中很多的争议和反对。
  6. But he said an overaggressive over-aggressive approach will would provoke considerable opposition in Congress. 但是他又表示过于激进的做法会招致美国国会强烈反对。