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2024-01-28 17:50:16
美[ˌoʊvəboʊr]  英[əʊvəbɔː]
vt.  压服(克服)


  1. With his huge body, he overbore his opponent under him dead. 他用他那庞大的身躯把对手死死地压在身下。
  2. E’en, I would overbear all my stinking and pride before you, admiring you forever. 嗯,在你面前,我会抑制住所有的张扬和傲气,永远地爱慕你。
  3. In most engines, do not overbore more than .030", or localized heating of the water jacket may occur, not to mention a twisting cylinder bore under hard engine loads. 在大多数发动机;不要否决了超过.;030”;或局部加热水的夹克;更不用说一个扭载荷下的发动机气缸孔难。
  4. Because of ignoring the teachers living conditions, the teachers are overbear in studying and daily life.This phenomenon lapse from the goal of all-round development. 正因为教育没有体现对教师的 生存状态的关怀,在相当长的时期内小学教师的精神生活压抑,工作和学习负担繁 重,这背离了人的全面发展的目标,也成为教育质量进一步提升的阻障。
  5. He overbore all my objections. 他否决了我所有的异议。
  6. overbear criticism, protest, or arguments. 压服批评抗议或争论。