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2024-01-28 18:30:16
美[ˌoʊvərkrɪtɪkl]  英[ˌəʊvəkrɪtɪkl]
adj.  超临界的(过于危险的;过分吹毛求疵的)
  副词:overcritically  名词:overcriticalness


  1. inclined to judge too severely;

    "hypercritical of colloquial speech" "the overcritical teacher can discourage originality"


  1. Some of the complains are overcritical. 当然,有些抱怨是苛刻的,在中国,在北京的状况是相当严峻和独特的。
  2. If we hold that everything should be perfect, we would be overcritical. 如果我们坚持要完美无缺,那只能是一种求全责备。
  3. Fortunately, these times are overcritical anaesthesia and at the same time perform TOE. 幸好,这些时代是批评过多的感觉丧失并且同时执行脚趾。
  4. As to personal shortcomings; unless they are related to political and organizational mistakes, there is no need to be overcritical and to embarrass the comrades concerned. 至于个人缺点,如果不是与政治的和组织的错误有联系,则不必多所指摘,使同志们无所措手足。
  5. On the other hand, indirect method, as a statistical method, has overcritical requirement for sampling size, but not for the selecting of samples. 间接法作为一种统计方法,对样本点的选取条件相对宽松,但对样本数量有一定的要求。
  6. Your compatibility score with Virgo is 38%. Virgos are meticulous and reliable but can also be overcritical and austere. 你和处女座的相性为38%25。处女座的人一丝不苟,值得信赖,但却吹毛求疵,一丝不苟...的确哦,老爸就是处女的,有时候的确是严厉得有点受不了...