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2024-01-28 18:44:16
美[ˌoʊvədɒmənəns]  英[əʊvədɒmɪnəns]
n.  [生]超显性


  1. The classical hypotheses-dominance hypothesis and overdominance hypothesis were reviewed and evaluated in this article. 笔者综述了杂种优势遗传基础的两个经典假说-显性假说和超显性假说的基本观点、不足之处。
  2. In Population H21 Mol7, nine QTL were detected for resistance to ACB, which were localized on chromosome 1,4,5,8 and 10. These QTL showed predominantly overdominance, subsequently dominance or partial dominance gene action. 对H21×Mo17群体,共检测到9个抗性QTL,分别位于染色体1、4、5、8、10上,表现的基因效应以超显性为主,此外还有显性效应和部分显性。
  3. In Population ZJ330XK36, eight QTL were detected for resistance to ACB, which were localized on chromosome 1,2,3,4,5,8 and 9. These QTL showed overdominance, dominance, partial dominance and additive gene action. 对自330×K36群体,共检测到8个QTL,分别位于染色体1、2、3、4、5、8和9上。 这些QTL表现的遗传效应涉及超显性、显性效应、部分显性和加性效应。
  4. The inheritance of plant was characterized as overdominance; 株高的遗传为超显性遗传。
  5. Keywords associative overdominance;individual heterozygosity;genetic structure;growth;carcass and meat quality traits;chickens; 联合超显性;个体基因杂合度;遗传结构;生长;屠体和肉质性状;鸡;
  6. cumulative overdominance 累积超显性